DAC News
Meet Your 2023-2024 DAC!
We are so excited to serve the MDW District this year! Our very own, Holly Baker from the MDW District is at the helm and reminding us that we can all Matter IN Pilot! Join us this year in inviting and extending the invitation of Pilot to all your friends and family!
Tina Young (Treasurer)
From left to right: Danette Frauenholtz (Governor-Elect), Tammy Ales (Governor), Janice Megel (Treasurer)
2023-2024 ECR: Jayne Lackey
2023-2024 Midwest District DAC Officers
2023-2024 Midwest District DAC Officers
Governor: Tammy Ales: tales@machlink.com
Governor Elect: Danette Frauenholtz: dfrauenholtz@gmail.com
Treasurer: Janice Megel: adamsara3@msn.com
Secretary: Tina Young: yrustina@yahoo.com
ECR: Jayne Lackey: jlackey@uga.edu
Join Us For Fall Workshop 2023! Children's Therapy Center On October 14th, 2023 in Rock Island, IL. 9:00-3:00
Join Us For Fall Workshop 2023! Children's Therapy Center On October 14th, 2023 in Rock Island, IL. 9:00-3:00
2022-2023 Midwest District Directory
2022-2023 Midwest District Directory

Facebook Presentation at Pilot Fall Workshop
Facebook Presentation at Pilot Fall Workshop

Fundraising Presentation at Fall Workshop
Fundraising Presentation at Fall Workshop