Moline Pilot Club
2023-2024 Executive Committee
President: Carol Triebel, Secretary: Danielle Hines, Treasurer: Mary Maland, Directors: Marilyn Morley, Juanita Bush, and Past President Barb Crawford. Not pictured: Corresponding Secretary: Dottie Anselmino
Member becomes President Elect of Pilot Internation!
Holly Baker Rhona Espinoza
President Elect President
The Pilot Club of Moline members want to congratulate our member, Holly Baker on becoming Pilot Internatinal President Elect 2022-2023.
Pilot International’s mission is to influence positive change in communities throughout the world. To do this, we come together in friendship and give people an outlet for service.
Barb Crawford, President
Beth Tepen, President-Elect
Danielle Hines, Secretary
Mary Maland, Treasurer
Carol Triebel, Holly Baker, and Kim Sidor-Directors
Club meets every first Thursday of the month, except for July, December, and January. Meeting start at 6:30 p.m. at Butterworth Center, 1105 8th St., Moline, IL 61265

Pilot Club of Moline December Newsletter 2022